Louis Vuitton New York Macy's Herald Sq. i New York

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Forenede StaterLouis Vuitton New York Macy's Herald Sq.



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151 West 34th Street, 1st Floor, New York, NY 10001, USA
kontakter telefon: +1 212-355-1011
internet side: us.louisvuitton.com
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Latitude: 40.7502745, Longitude: -73.9881461

kommentar 5

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    Sara Rehart


    Rec'd very good service here for my first Louie.

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    Edwin Rodriguez


    This will be the 1st place where I started, To buy my LV products.

  • Bryana M

    Bryana M


    Had a great experience at the store this past Black Friday. Today was the first time I have ever been in a LV store. From the moment Saroeun approached us, she had us laughing until we left the store. The entire building was packed with people and she had probably been on her feet all day but regardless she was kind and attentive to all of our needs. She didn't make me feel uncomfortable at all even when I didn't know the proper names and pronunciations. Amazing customer service. I left there with my first LV item and a Christmas gift for my boyfriend. Thank you!

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    Ariel Hicks


    I ran to this location as soon as I saw the Tahitienne Neverfull Damier Azur MM online. I new I had to have this bag for my first LV purchase. I'm 25 and have been a coach fan since the age of 10, a Michael Kors fan since the age of 17 and A Bendel Girl since 21. But this year I knew it was finally time for an adult bag. I was hesitant at first because I didn't want to look like every other girl on the path train commuting from Jersey to NY with the Damier Ebene MM. But, after doing my research for the "one" I was sold. My original sales rep was Ying Q who informed me the bag was not instore and that I had to order it and it would take 1-2 business days. However it took much longer because the bag is at such high demand *that I was not informed of online, or in-store during purchase* After a week and a bump in the road through miscommunication from customer service, they informed me that the bag was impossible to get. And I would be waitlisted for months. I asked for a refund and they did so refund my money without hassle and with compassion for the miscommunication on their part. But by some miracle 5 days later they called me and my bag was in- store ready for pick up. So without hesitation I re-purchased and picked it up. Every sales rep was so excited for me and continuously informed me of how lucky I was because they had customers waitlisted for weeks. Idk how LV's system works or why I skipped the waitlist but I am so happy with my purse. And I have yet to see another woman with the same bag. I also re-visited the shop and got my initials hotstamped as well. I am in love. Tip: Know what your looking for when you walk through the door. The sales associates were amazing to me. Which was surprising honestly. Very rarely do I, a 20 something year old African American girl, get treated with so much dignity and respect. They truly have a new life long customer. They can count on seeing me every season for a new bag.

  • OShika Johnson

    OShika Johnson


    I called In advance to have an appointment to get my purse monogrammed, unfortunately I was not told that it would be about a few hour process and I should bring the bag empty. They were nice enough to give me a bag to carry all of the contents​ of my purse. I had something else to do while they worked on my bag so I didn't mind. When I returned, my purse was done and looked fantastic. The staff was friendly and helpful when I inquired about another service... and another purse. 😏

nærmeste Butik

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