Loreng's Transmissions Inc w Bloomingdale

Stany ZjednoczoneLoreng's Transmissions Inc



🕗 godziny otwarcia

84, Main Street, 07403, Bloomingdale, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-835-2500
strona internetowej: lorengs.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.003245, Longitude: -74.32974

komentarze 5

  • en

    Connor McCormick


    I took my car to Loreng's and I was very happy with the service. They were trustworthy and fair. Would highly recommend Loreng's Transmissions.

  • en

    Kevin Morris


    expert repairs at a good price

  • en

    Lee Rose


    I went to John 3 times everytime I got the car back there was a new serious problem that made me have to come back because my car was undrivable problems that started after I got my car back from him fixing it was stalling out the key would get stuck and the car wouldn't start so I brought it back to him and when I picked it up it lost complete power steering as soon as I went to take it out of his shopping I've never ever had these problems with my car until I got my car back from him and he didn't even tell me that there was no power steering when I went to pick it up I just found out about It when I tried to drive it away from his shop with it n my cousin also had the same problem with John that he kept having new problems every time he "fixed it" if I knew this before I wouldn't have took my car there at all also another thing John did was "fix" something with out getting approved by you he also charged me 200 dollars just to look and clean my fuse box that he didn't even get my approval to do the guy doesn't care about his customers having a safe and reliable car he will keep doing things to your car that will make you have no choice but go back to him just so Your able to drive your car for another two days if that. since the 2nd time I went to him I could barely even drive it away from his shop but not only all that the main problem I had with my car and the reason I went to his shop in the 1st place he said he fixed and he never did he over charged me for fixing all this other stuff but never fixed the main problem I had instead he just caused more problems for my car and did work to it that I did not approve of him doing he charged me about a little more of a grand and my car is sitting in my drive way unable to drive at least before he touched it I could drive it now it's in worst conditions then it was before I brought it to him to get fixed I won't ever go to him again 😢😢

  • Travis Ridings

    Travis Ridings


  • en

    Heather Brugaletta


najbliższy Naprawa samochodów

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