Long John Silver's w Santa Ana

Stany ZjednoczoneLong John Silver's



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1325, 17th Street, 92705, Santa Ana, Orange County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 714-541-0310
strona internetowej: www.ljsilvers.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.7603529, Longitude: -117.8507472

komentarze 5

  • Brandon Vu

    Brandon Vu


    Rare LJS’s location in Orange County. Located inside KFC just past the intersection of grand and 17th street. The fast-food chain was relatively clean (which is pretty surprising for a KFC) and the menu offered many options to choose from. Parking is plentiful with more space in the back of the store. I ordered the fish and chicken meal. It came with 1 fried fish, 1 fried chicken, 2 hush puppies, a side order of max & cheese, and 1 fountain drink for $6.99. Not even 2 minutes after ordering, they already finished my order, assuming they had it ready. Overall, I would rate the meal 8/10 due to the perfect crispness of the fish and chicken. The batter used for both was well seasoned, however the piece of fish was too thin. The chicken and hush puppies tasted ok and don’t expect much from the KFC mac & cheese because it’s relatively bland and given in a small portion. I would recommend this place to someone who enjoys oily foods or fish/chicken in general.

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    Michelle Perry


    I cpuld not find one close to Huntington Beach. Too bad ad i lile their fish

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    Scott Carlson


    Not great, not horrible. Not really LJS anymore either. Combining them with a KFC really is an afterthought.

  • Brett Larson

    Brett Larson


    Haven't been to LJS in a long time. Had a hankering for some fish and chips. Hit the spot.

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    Cristian Diaz


    This place is the worst!!!! We came and ordered 40 peices of chicken and they gave us fish. We said we are allergic to fish and the heavy set Asian mgr refused to correct it. A 50$ order!!! Not only did he refuse to correct it but he refused to give my wife her money back. My wife is a nice person, she's not rude or confrontational. The mgr clearly took advantage of that. Do NOT give this place tour buissiness.

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