Lockeland Table w Nashville

Stany ZjednoczoneLockeland Table



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1520, Woodland Street, 37206, Nashville, Davidson County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 615-228-4864
strona internetowej: www.lockelandtable.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.1766742, Longitude: -86.7420912

komentarze 5

  • en

    Frank Hettinga


    Excellent experience at a wonderfull place. Staff, food, drinks; all was amazing. As a dessert we had the chocolate chip skillet, superb!

  • Sara Thomas

    Sara Thomas


    Perhaps the best of the best for food, drink, and evening atmosphere on the East side. We love their pizza, mussels, and seasonally-inspired menu. Community hour features incredible offerings, such as the best (to my knowledge) Manhattan in town for a cool $6. The only downside is that the place fills up quickly, and the hostess really appreciates calling ahead for a table (even if you’re there early, at say, 4:30pm). That makes it a bit difficult at times to spontaneously visit, but I’d estimate that 90% of the time we are able to get a reservation with as little as 30 minutes notice. Really, Lockeland Table is a treasure!

  • Brendan Brady

    Brendan Brady


    Good stuff. I had the trout and enjoyed it. Cocktails looked good but I had to run the next day so I didn’t have any.

  • Nicole Sand

    Nicole Sand


    This quaint little place has amazing food. The empanadas were so amazing, I could have eaten like 100 more of them and the veggie plate was so amazing as an entree. I also believe that it was a vegan dish and it was so amazing. Everyone else's food looked delicious as well. I don't think that you could go wrong with anything there.

  • Susan Lester

    Susan Lester


    Excellent and unusual cocktails - especially the Smoked Old Fashioned. Every bite of food contained a burst of flavor - from appetizers to dessert. Wonderful service in a cozy atmosphere. We'll be back the next time we're in Nashville! Thank you for a delightful experience!

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