Local Pho w Houston

Stany ZjednoczoneLocal Pho



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2313, Edwards Street, 77007, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 281-501-2705
strona internetowej: localpho.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.7702533, Longitude: -95.381395

komentarze 5

  • en

    Brian Dea


    Food was decent. However, with 5 people on staff during a non-peak hour, it shouldn't take 20+ minutes to make 3 bunh mi sandwiches... Prices can be validated by the area, but the service and timeliness needs a lot of work.

  • en

    Kyle Mikulenka


    We just moved to Sawyer Heights and Pho is something we can’t do without. Now we can walk anytime to Local Pho. They are polite, quick, attentive, the atmosphere is very cool, and most importantly, it’s super tasty!

  • Lauren Whittington

    Lauren Whittington


    Did not give me what I ordered in my togo, and did not give me the beans sprouts, Thai basil, lime or jalapeños. I asked for a fried egg in the pho as well and did not receive that either. The customer service here is terrible with just a bunch of children running the show and no accountability. I called to let them know that they messed up the order and they acted like they did not care at all. This is not the first time this has happened. I will no longer be visiting this restaurant. Order Togo here at your own risk.

  • Brian H To

    Brian H To


    Good pho. Good eggrolls. AND BOBA MILK TEA???

  • Tory Chag

    Tory Chag


    Gave this place another chance. The other sandwich options didn't disappoint! Will come back to try the others. The grilled chicken banh mi and pork meatball were so good! Pho and fried egg rolls are also really good.

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