Lloyd's Pharmacy w Saint Paul

Stany ZjednoczoneLloyd's Pharmacy



🕗 godziny otwarcia

720, Snelling Avenue North, 55104, Saint Paul, Ramsey County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 651-645-8636
strona internetowej: www.lloydsrx.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 44.962741, Longitude: -93.166863

komentarze 5

  • en

    Thomas Rothstein


    Best pharmacy in the Twin Cities. It is so refreshing to give my business to an old fashioned "mom and pop" pharmacy / business. The techs, pharmacists and clerks treat you like a valued customer, not just a number like the big pharmacies (think CVS, Walgreens, etc.) do....So happy they're in the neighborhood and operate in the friendly and professional manner that they do!

  • Bob Tyler

    Bob Tyler


    I love this place. Lloyd's is the place to go if you value personal service, people's names, and friendly, knowledgeable staff. If you prefer a place that sells popcorn and soda, make-up, has a drive through window, and no one knows your name (or gives you theirs) then this is not the place for you.

  • Irene Simonson

    Irene Simonson


    Really appreciate their service for compounded meds. Very quick, and they mail the meds to me as I live an hour away. Super happy with their service!

  • en

    Ryan Bluhm


    Compounding pharmacy - always helpful when getting meds specially mixed for my son with Autism.

  • Ely B

    Ely B


    Had to use this place as an emergency pharmacy for some insulin (type 1 diabetic) since I was away from home. They charged me 11X what I'm supposed to pay, and had the audacity to give me only 1/2 of my prescription. I contacted my regular pharmacist and they said that is not right; however, nothing can be done because they are privately owned.

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