Livin' The Pie Life w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneLivin' The Pie Life



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2166, North Glebe Road, 22207, Arlington, Arlington County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 571-431-7727
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.896994, Longitude: -77.1235087

komentarze 5

  • Diana Chung

    Diana Chung


    You can't go wrong with anything you eat here. The crusts on their quiches are especially delicious. And their chocolate chip cookies are to die for. I just wish they were a little cheaper!

  • Steve E.

    Steve E.


    This, by far, is the best lie shop in Arlington. They have both sweet and savory options, and you can even buy a membership. I received a pie of the month club membership for my birthday one year and was able to choose a pie each month for three months. It was one of my favorite burthday presents ever as each if these was a continuation of the celebration as well as a delicious pie all on it's own.

  • en

    J S


    This place is incredible. I almost don’t want to write this review so I can keep it my dirty little secret. Also has great cookies, brownies, cinnamon rolls. Mmmmm nummmm num num

  • en

    George Arthur


    Outstanding pies. Their dessert pies are not overly sweet, making them the perfect complement for a scoop of ice cream. They also offer delicious quiches and meat pies in normal and individual sizes. The menu changes daily, so check their website to see the week's offerings. You can also call ahead to reserve your order, a good idea before holidays as they often sell out. Very limited parking, so allow some time to "orbit" to find a parking spot.

  • Jim Jacobs

    Jim Jacobs


    The best pies in the known universe. I have been a regular customer since before the shop opened, when their pies were only available at farmers markets and by special order. I can attest that Livin' The Pie Life's pies have only improved in that time. Their variety has greatly expanded, as well. Now, with their cozy shop open, I often enjoy their pies and pastries, along with espresso drinks, on site. The counter service is excellent and the staff are well informed and very helpful. They are always my go-to source for holiday pies for large dinners throughout the year. Their online ordering process is easy and the shop typically arranges efficient ordering and pickup times before each holiday. This year, we enjoyed delicious pumpkin and salted-chocolate caramel pies at Thanksgiving. Everyone I've turned on to Livin' The Pie Life has loved it, as well!

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