Livia's Nails & Spa en New York

Estados UnidosLivia's Nails & Spa



🕗 horarios

41-22, Greenpoint Avenue, 11104, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-392-8899
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7401851, Longitude: -73.9233568

comentarios 5

  • en

    danielle katsch


    Horrible! Have come here many times for mani/pedis, and the service is usually hit or Miss. However my latest experience was just too Much and i can now say i will never return. Fot a green tean spa pedicure, and the guy who was doing it neglected to do anything that came with the spa pedicure (ie: 10 min massage, green tea masque, etc). When i called him out on it he got mad and started yelling in chinese. The manicure was a disaster. I asked him to temove the polish and i sat there and did it myself. When i asked for my momey back for the manicure, i was told ‘no dont be angry your next manicure is free.’ I said i wouldnt be back and didnt want the free manicure, just my momen back and they still refused. Worst salon ever!!!!

  • en

    Lauren Katzen


    Great prices and polish selection excellent manicure!

  • Natalija Boka

    Natalija Boka


    Ridiculously overpriced

  • Katherine Arevalo

    Katherine Arevalo


    I barely felt them on my toes and be ready to give tips they expect. I was giving her $4 because I didn't think she was amazing but was thankful for her work and she had the nerve to say she deserve more because she did "alot of work" I gave her one more dollar thats $5 and she still was mad. Not coming back because of her giddiness. I didn't have to give her anything if I didn't want to but i. Not like that.

  • Rose Nunez

    Rose Nunez


    Omg where do I start okay so I went told her I wanted pedi and powder gel so she was doing my toes she cut me and she was rushing I let it go okay then she takes my purse and slams on the table and I look at her and she said oh sorry bc she hardly knew English then while she doing my nails she cut me again and rushing and she said oh it hurts yes it did so I told just taking out curtile then she did the message then she was all done I paid her and gave her $2 dollar tip and she was complaining that I have to give her 20% I looked at her for real andI left and said never again bad bad experience and another lady said the same never again

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