little space salon w New York

Stany Zjednoczonelittle space salon



🕗 godziny otwarcia

112, East 23rd Street, 10010, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 646-590-3080
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7396604, Longitude: -73.985891

komentarze 5

  • Mae Deevy

    Mae Deevy


    Party is a total sweetheart. She listened to what I was looking for and delivered with care. I was in and out in an hour and she is an absolute dream to talk to. Highly recommend!

  • nadine guerrera

    nadine guerrera


    Patty is awesome! Strangers approach me to find out who does my hair. I hesitate to post this because it will make it more difficult to schedule...

  • en

    Catherine Dame


    This place is fabulous! Beautiful space, and Patty is amazing. I have long hair, and I was always nervous to get it cut... not with Patty. She takes off just what is needed, and is honest and patient. Also, she gives the BEST blowout in NYC! It’s magic.

  • en

    S Bowman


    Patty is amazing! The space is welcoming, bright, and super comfy. Patty has a following of clients. She's been cutting my hair for a few years and it's always perfect. Great cut, lovely experience, and a wonderful person.

  • Tracy Halasz Holst

    Tracy Halasz Holst


    I adore Patty, she is not only a terrific stylist but one of the nicest people you will every meet. She ALWAYS makes time for her clients, despite her hectic schedule with 'famous' people. I am delighted she opened her own salon. Now she can fit clients in as she needs to. I struggled before to get appointments. Patty is accommodating, she may have hours she works but will work with you. She also works with almost every hair type. I have fine curly hair and she does just as well as with stick straight hair (who was the person before me). I have seen many stylists over the years in NYC from very high end to local in my neighborhood and by far Patty is among, if not, the best! Go see her, you will not be sorry.

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