Little Skye Children's Boutique en Ridgewood

Estados UnidosLittle Skye Children's Boutique



🕗 horarios

171, East Ridgewood Avenue, 07450, Ridgewood, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-645-3132
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.9794176, Longitude: -74.116123

comentarios 5

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    Shauna Mann


    This store is my go to for unique clothes that both my daughter and my son! I love Molo, Chaser, and Joah Love for him. The Little Skye Private Label is beautiful and the PePe shoes are absolutely amazing.

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    brooke White


    I love the quality of the brands carried at Little Skye! My boys are very picky about their clothes being soft and comfortable, and I love all the options that work for us. The clothes also wear very well and can be passed down to my younger boys. Some of their shirts still look brand new after being washed tons of times. Also, it can be hard to find graphic tees for boys that are appropriate, yet still fun and cool. Little Skye always has shirts that we can agree on, and that I like as much as they do.

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    Jessica Carey


    My favorite place to shop for my kids! I love the thoughtful selection of gifts and clothing for both boys and girls. And the customer service and management is amazing!

  • Theresa Maimone

    Theresa Maimone


    Amazing shop with amazing items!! If you are looking for more of the one of kind look this is the place to go. Some of the cutest baby clothing I've ever seen!!! Love it... I've picked up a few really cute baby shower gifts that are always a big hit!!

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    Evelyn K


    I love Little Skye. It's my favorite place to shop ever. I know how much thought, love and time goes into everything they do.

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