Li's Asian Bistro w Denver

Stany ZjednoczoneLi's Asian Bistro



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1355, Santa Fe Drive, 80204, Denver, Denver County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 720-382-1790
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.737625, Longitude: -104.999118

komentarze 5

  • en

    Bradley Collins


    Terrible service. Ordered from Grubhub and was 45 minutes past quoted delivery time. Food was not very good and obviously cold when it arrived.

  • wei liu

    wei liu


    Consistently good Chinese food. Delivery is always early or on time. They have everything. Pho is pretty good, Chinese food is better. Buddha's feast with fried rice, yummy!

  • Gisele Dias

    Gisele Dias


    AWFUL!!! Absolutely awful people! Ordered food for the first time and will never do it again. What makes a good service is not the quality of the food one can make but how customer's are treated . I work in a multi-office complex with 4 buildings (that are separated by a street - they are literally 1 minute apart from each other). When placing my order, I apparently missed type the building # (human's make mistakes!) and the delivered man went to the building across the street. He called me and once I realized he was in the wrong building, I apologized and went down to meet him across the street - I didn't even ask him to come up to my office or tried to give him instructions to the correct building. I took ownership for my mistake and was willing to fix it with the best of my ability. The gentleman, yelled at me on the phone, called me names, and was the most rude person I've ever encounter in my life! He also tried to create a scenario once I saw him. He was aggressive and nasty. I called the restaurant to report his behavior and it seems the restaurant is "okay" with it. What an absurd! To the gentleman who delivered my food I would like to say: The way you treat people is the way you will be treated! I hope you will encounter someone in your life that will be 2x worse than you were to me. To this restaurant I would like to say: The food I ordered is on a trash can, because nobody deserves to eat anything that comes from such a place. Thanks for your service, but NEVER again.

  • JJ Hauser

    JJ Hauser


    Had a pretty bad experience with this place. I ordered and called 5 minutes later to cancel my order because something came up. They said the driver was already on his way and would be here in 10 minutes. I thought that was strange since I had just placed my order. 45 minutes later I get a call from the driver saying he will not come up to my apartment (even though it is a completely open courtyard no locked doors) not that big of a deal but a mild inconvenience. I go down and he is nowhere to be found. I wait a few minutes and have to go back up to get my photo to call him. Very rude when I politely state that I do not see him outside of my building. He then has me come back down and finally he arrives a few minutes later. When I open the food it is cold and mushy. Will not be ordering from here again. The only plus is the egg rolls were decent.

  • Jake Kahn

    Jake Kahn


    Pleasantly surprised by this place. Tucked away in a little strip mall, I let my first impressions get the best of me for awhile before finally stopping in. I'm a picky Chinese food eater, and have come to find that the large majority of places in town all taste the same, all look alike, and are all basically the same low-quality food. MSG galore sort of thing. Li's was different. The food was flavorful, and not just MSG-covered slop. I loved their fried rice, and their noodles were great. The staff was polite and quick, and I was able to sit and drink my beer while I waited in peace while reading for 15 minutes. Will be back, I liked it quite a bit.

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