Liquor World Harmon Square w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneLiquor World Harmon Square



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4503, Paradise Road, 89169, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 702-902-1800
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.1072583, Longitude: -115.1529605

komentarze 5

  • Alexander Juarez

    Alexander Juarez


    Good selection and it's a nice store. The location is perfect when you're by UNLV or coming from the airport.

  • tino risso

    tino risso


    I don't consume alcohol very often, but I think the business side is very awesome. All the different kinds of shiny bottles for sale. Plenty of something in every bottle.

  • John Dodge

    John Dodge


    Typical near strip liquor store with too little of a selection and parasitic pricing to capitalize on the folks who don't realize they are being ripped off. Go over to CVS to save time and money - you can also get more other needs for your stay in Vegas.

  • Josh Hoffman

    Josh Hoffman


    OMG the prices here are so high, do yourself a favor and get a Uber or Lyft out if the area and find a cheaper store.

  • Stan Moran

    Stan Moran


    Great selection. Large store clean, unshady. Of all the liquor stores I've been to here I like this one the best. For the ballers they have yamazaki 12 year for $400 and hibiki 21 year for untold thousands. Literally the price tag is undechiperable. But I'm sure it's at least 2k due to it's rarity. They have cigars snacks, and some mixers as well.

najbliższy Sklep alkoholowy

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