Linden Florist, Inc. w Lindenhurst

Stany ZjednoczoneLinden Florist, Inc.



🕗 godziny otwarcia

211, South Wellwood Avenue, 11757, Lindenhurst, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-226-0610
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.685279, Longitude: -73.3722109

komentarze 5

  • en

    Lisa Ruvola


    They did a great job on the flowers for my nephew's funeral. I had made changes to the flower arrangement I wanted and they had no problem with that.

  • al colon

    al colon


    Asked for a $40 Bouquet of flowers got $30 of semi fresh flowers. Also other florists put the packets of plant stablizer in the wrap but they don’t, I’m supposed to know there on the counter. Plus some cursing going on in the back room.

  • Kristle Saroniero

    Kristle Saroniero


    I cannot thank them enough for the job they did on my wedding! My flowers and centerpieces were absolutely perfect! Painless process and they helped every step of the way. Even offering to come pick up the extra candle we missed while dropping off the lanterns.

  • kim martinez

    kim martinez


    Let me tell you!! The owner of this shop is the most AMAZINGEST woman ever! When I tell you, she opened shop just for me after a snow storm, opened up for me when closed for holidays etc. Always gives you what you would least expect (beautiful bouquets) Prices are amazing! She allows my Autistic brother to look at the cat in the window for however long he wants. Overall a great woman, great store, great service, very personable, great prices & most of all done with such love & compassion for her profession. I come to her for every occassion that I need flowers for!

  • Big Liq

    Big Liq


    Had my Grandfather pass away today and was late on ordering the flowers. Spoke to Chris on the phone and even though I haven't seen the flowers yet I feel confident from speaking with her that they will look great. Will update once I finally see the flowers in person.

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