Licata Optical - Eyeglasses, Eye Exams and Contacts w Mesa

Stany ZjednoczoneLicata Optical - Eyeglasses, Eye Exams and Contacts



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2048, East Baseline Road, 85204, Mesa, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 480-632-5075
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.3812973, Longitude: -111.7872451

komentarze 5

  • berenice correa

    berenice correa


    Honestly the best service I have ever received. I dropped off glasses for prescription on Thursday evening right before the office was going to close and Dr. Licata had them ready for me by Friday afternoon. Fastest turn around time I have ever seen! No dealing with lab time or lab costs was amazing! Dr. Licata is so sweet and honest one of the best doctors I have ever met. He is so informative and helpful. His prices are amazing too which was awesome since I don't have insurance!!! If I ever need anything else I know exactly where I will be going! Thank you!

  • en

    Felicitie Hernandez


    The doctor was so sweet. Even came in (before they even opened) 30 minutes early, so I could come in for an eye exam right after my graveyard shift. After my exam, the owner pulled up my insurance information and helped me pick out some frames that were within my budget. He was very helpful and very honest. I have a round face so he walked around showing me the larger size frames. I tried them on and he would give me his honest opinion. We finally found a pair that fit my face perfectly... even though they weren't the type of frames that I was used to, I ended up falling in love with them. They fit comfortably on my face and I have gotten so many compliments. He never tried to sell me anything extra or talk me into anything out of my budget. I love that this was a stress-free visit and they made me feel so comfortable. The best part, we ordered my glasses and they arrived a day and a half later. I will definitely be coming back to Licata Optical! :)

  • en

    Sarahy Lopez


    Great service!!!!

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    Duane Disalvo


    Great Store!! All Stars! I recently saw their ad in the East Valley Tribune for a $49 Eye Exam. I called, set an appt for later that week. It was one of my best decisions all year. No long waits. I got there and they were ready for me. The exam was pretty quick but very thorough. They pinpointed what was wrong with my sight and suggested corrective lens. We then walked to the sales floor where there was a huge selection of frames to choose from. One caught my eye. It was a cool designer frame from Guess. A few days later, Jim the owner called and told me my glasses are ready. I went in and although I was fitted at the appt., Jim made sure my glasses fit perfectly.These glasses have made a big difference in my life. They always fit perfectly. I can see and never have to squint or worry at night when I drive. My glasses are like gold to me. I liked the cost because my insurance covered most of it. Go see Licata will be happy.

  • Julio Macias

    Julio Macias


    Jim Licata the owner of this great looking shop is by far the most knowledgeable Optician I have come across over the years. I would highly recommend him for any type of eye wear including contact lenses. Thanks Jim, it was a pleasure doing business with you and I will stop by soon to buy you a starbucks coffee.

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