Lexington Auto Club w Clifton

Stany ZjednoczoneLexington Auto Club



🕗 godziny otwarcia

490, Lexington Avenue, 07011, Clifton, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-546-2100
strona internetowej: lexautoclub.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8772786, Longitude: -74.1340622

komentarze 5

  • Yuriy Lev

    Yuriy Lev


    This is an "ALL IN ONE " a carwash, a car dealer (if you don't already have one) and on the side of the building a car detailing shop if you want to keep that car looking great. If your car-lease is up, don't forget to get it detailed before you bring it back? Prices are very responsible, except for the detailing shop, for the massive amount of work they put in-more than reasonable. Don't forget to TIP!!!

  • Robert Perez

    Robert Perez


    This has been the best car buying experience I have ever had. I have been buying new cars for over 20 years and this has been a better experience than buying new from the high end luxury brands! They are very upfront and transparent of the whole process, no funny business and they are true car guys that share the same passion for driving that I do. They get a great assortment of vehicles at amazing prices, plus Mike Acosta was kind enough to deliver the vehicle and paperwork to my house to help the process go even smoother! 5 stars!

  • Devin Rallo

    Devin Rallo


    I recently purchased a car from Lexington Auto Club and this transaction was by far the best car buying experience I’ve ever had. Thanks to Mike and his father I was able to drive off the lot with an amazing vehicle that fits all my needs! Overall, I had a very enjoyable experience, I will definitely be coming back whether it’s for another vehicle or their excellent car wash. I definitely recommend buying from these guys!

  • en

    Jasmin Farren


    I recently did some used car shopping and it was very difficult .. every place I went to didn’t honor the online price posted on their website... some places didn’t even have the correct car and tried to push me onto something else...! Finally I came to Lexington auto club and spoke with Mike.... very nice guy! Father and son business! I bought a Mini Cooper from mike and he didn’t charge me any fees . The price online was the price I paid no doc fees no prep fees no garbage completely straight up and honest... he even let me take the car to a mechanic to have it looked over before I made the purchase.. the peace of mind this gave me was what really sold me... thank you so much mike I’ve told my friends and family about you guys... Lexington auto runs a up front honest business I wish I could give them 10 stars... so so happy with my purchase .... ( Mike is also easy on the eyes 😉😉)

  • en

    Alex Rallo


    lexington auto club is the only dealership I go to. I have bee back there multiple times to purchase vehicles. Mike and his father are great people and make the car buying process enjoyable. They are very straight forward and don't surprise you with any hidden costs. I also highly recommend their car wash. They do an amazing job! For all your car needs go to Lexington Auto Club and see Mike!!

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