Les Schwab Tire Center w Portland

Stany ZjednoczoneLes Schwab Tire Center



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1210, Northwest 19th Avenue, 97209, Portland, Multnomah County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 503-227-3541
strona internetowej: www.lesschwab.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 45.5317075, Longitude: -122.6901507

komentarze 5

  • Blake Walker

    Blake Walker


    Great customer service! They only have extremely handsome men working here. You must have to pass a beauty review. Long waits, plan to drop off, but free follow ups and rotations are amazing.

  • en

    Emily Miranda


    Disappointed. I ripped a hole in my tire and found out it cost $105 for a service call to come look at it, even though I'm a few blocks away. I understand. They don't have my tire in stock, said it will be 2-3 days. I understand. I can't wait leave my car stranded that long, so I buy tires elsewhere and manage to get the wheel and the tire to the place. They said they can't put the tire on the wheel for me since they didn't sell me the tire. Very frustrating and disappointing they couldn't help at all in this emergency, especially since they are only a few blocks away.

  • en

    Krystal Q


    Found a partial flat this morning due to a screw. I pumped up the tire and made it to work. Unfortunately it didn't last and was very low when I went back to my car to take it in. Larry came out, pumped my tire up and had it fixed within an hour! They didn't even charge me! Will definitely be back when I need new tires! Thank you so much!

  • Philos Whitesky

    Philos Whitesky


    Stopped in here to get a screw removed from a set of tires I had bought from Les Schwab. There where several open bays when I arrived. 2 hours to fix a screw in a tire. This is 15 minutes labor tops. In years past Les Schwab would have staff available to take care of these types of one off's. Your staff could have easily jumped on it and had me out the door in less than 20 minutes. Instead I am waiting 2 hours and honestly questioning if I should ever buy tires here again.

  • Josh Carter

    Josh Carter


    Great folks work here! Not only were they fast, thorough, and competent, they also expressed kindness and understanding toward my financial situation as a student struggling to get by. Thanks for the excellent brake job, I will be coming back for my tire/brake needs in the future and letting people know about my experience.

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