Leo's Mexican Grill w Long Beach

Stany ZjednoczoneLeo's Mexican Grill



🕗 godziny otwarcia

225, East Broadway, 90802, Long Beach, Los Angeles County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 562-432-1265
strona internetowej: www.facebook.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.769523, Longitude: -118.1903734

komentarze 5

  • Jordan Rapp

    Jordan Rapp


    Taco Tuesday is awesome here. $1.50 tacos?! Yes please. And they are first rate. Mexican style is the best.

  • Adreana Langston

    Adreana Langston


    The amount of shrimp in the shrimp fajita was skimpy but it did not matter because whatever seasonings used to grill the bell peppers and onions were so delicious I could have eaten the fajita meatless. The refried beans and rise came with a little side of guacamole that was soooo fresh. The joint is tiny but airy and well lit with 2 two person sidewalk tables in addition to inside seating. Leo's offers call-and-pick up orders for everything on the menu. They accept debit and credit cards. There is NO parking around here. If you don't live nearby enough to walk or ride your bike/skateboard, just dial in your order and pick it up.

  • en

    Erik Andrade


    The place is great food is good and prices arent too bad there is also a leos at Magnolia & 8th

  • alyb goode

    alyb goode


    This was my second time visiting Leo's with my family. Recapping to our first visit the food was great but the waitress/server/cashier was awful. She was unfriendly and uninterested in her job. The second time around made it the last visit for us. The food is great but the service received from the waitress makes it such an unpleasant visit. She is not friendly at all, does not greet, no smile, does not show any attentiveness. Leo's defiantly needs to replace that woman.

  • Graham Mann

    Graham Mann


    Absolutely fantastic spot. I ate here four times during the four days I was staying nearby. Cheap tacos and beer ($1.50 on Tuesdays/Fridays) that are delicious, place has a nice authentic feel and a good crowd, and a nice patio.

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