Leonard Novelty Bakery en Moonachie

Estados UnidosLeonard Novelty Bakery



🕗 horarios

8, Empire Boulevard, 07074, Moonachie, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-296-0888
sitio web: leonardnoveltybakery.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.83313, Longitude: -74.047387

comentarios 5

  • en

    Carolle Wylie


    This review is for the cannoli chips. It's like playing Russian roulette anytime I buy them. When they're fresh, they are AMAZING! When they're not-they are HORRIBLE! Problem is, you can't go by the sell by date-I risked it and bought a box Thursday at the Shop Rite praying I got a good batch-took it home and tasted one and immediately knew they were old/stale with a nasty aftertaste. Took them back to exchange for another-same thing-bad. Not sure what they're doing there at the manufacturing plant-are they baking tons, packaging them and just slapping on a sell by date sticker before they get shipped out to the stores? This has been going on for years now-I keep trying to find a good batch and it's literally a 50/50 shot every time.

  • Joanne Henderson

    Joanne Henderson


    Imagine my surprise when I picked up Leonard cookies in my home town Great Value food store in New Egypt and I work just down the street in Moonachie on Commercial Ave. Great cookies!

  • en

    Gerald Castellano


    I recently purchased your Fancy Assortment Cookies, Autumn brand. This is the second time purchasing them. Never had them ever before. Just 2 times!! You make a fantastic, fresh, delicious assortment of Cookies. Very nice job!! My compliments to your staff and everyone involved in making a wonderful Product. Thank you..... With the holidays ahead its nice for me to know whose desert items I will choose!!! Great Job!! to the "A" Team. Gerry Castellano

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    Tammy Rounsavell


    My parents found some cookies at a grocery store here in South Carolina. I'm trying to find more. Love them!

  • Diana Rumley

    Diana Rumley


    Got some cookies from wawa and they where very good and tasty! 😃

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