Lenox Fishmarket Corporation w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneLenox Fishmarket Corporation



🕗 godziny otwarcia

480, Malcolm X Boulevard, 10037, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-862-2270
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.81305, Longitude: -73.9411112

komentarze 5

  • en

    Miss Q Avera


    It's good, I guess. All steam food places are. How could you go wrong steaming food? I personally never brought any steamed food from outside (or my borough) Soooo, it was good, seasoned with Obay. I did find it to be very expensive, as I will go to Canal St (walker... I forget the cross st- AND ITS NOT THE ONE THAT WAS ON THE NEWS FOR A WORKER FIXING SOMETHING BUT STANDING ONTOP THE FISH🤢) Anywho, a pound of small pre-cleaned shrimps are $15.99 a pound I get large ones for $9.80 a pound on Canal With vegetables its additional$$ I've been twice and the place was crowded. Workers pretty ok. Except yesterday it was two guys and one lady, the men acted as if they didnt want to be there. Calling numbers low, then saying they didnt call it. Called my number (I was standing right @ the counter) he never turned around, put my shrimps back in the steamer and when I said something he caught an attitude. All I said was, I'm right here #21. He said: (With attitude)...I CALLED THAT NUMBER ALREADY- Me: looks confused...But I'm standing right here. Him: heavy breath Me: Lawd. Lol

  • Arnel Evans

    Arnel Evans


    This is my favorite seafood spot in Harlem. I live in Brooklyn NY, but I went here for the first time in March. I always purchase whiting, and Golden Dipt Fish Fry mix. I didn't purchase the fried food yet, but I will. Keep up the good work.

  • Shameka Stallworth

    Shameka Stallworth


    Best fish store🤗 but attitude when spending money.

  • Tammy *THE GREAT ONE* Queen

    Tammy *THE GREAT ONE* Queen


    I have never had a problem with them. My food always looks fresh it always taste great been going there for the past four years.

  • en

    Nayadez Carmichael


    This is a fish market first and foremost. Once you purchase the fish, you have the choice of taking it home, having them steam, fry or grill your purchase. In the steaming section, you can get garlic pepper or traditional O'Bay seasoning. In addition, they sell broccoli, cauliflower, red potatoes, sweet potatoes, okra, string beans, corn which can be purchased and steamed with your seafood order. It is a neighborhood staple. The seafood is fresh, the staff is friendly and you can have it your way. Stop by and give it a try!!!

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