Lenda Pharmacy w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneLenda Pharmacy


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

3397, Broadway, 10031, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-368-3130
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8219505, Longitude: -73.9540382

komentarze 5

  • Evelyn Sanchez

    Evelyn Sanchez


    I have worked for this pharmacy in the past and I can say that they care about the customers. Trust me they don't get better than this.

  • en

    Jenny F


    This place is ridiculous, I have waited for ANTIBIOTICS to be delivered to my home for the past two days. It was prescribed to me because I needed it, and y'all carelessly do not tend to your customers. But y'all quick to sell medications....save yourself the trouble, dont get your medications e-script there. Another reason why "mom and pops" shops are being replaced by these big named companies. Rosmery must be sniffing pills in the back, cause the lady doesnt remember anything. Even if she just told you something...shes going to forget.

  • Tiadisa Nunez

    Tiadisa Nunez


    I have used Lenda pharmacy for over 15 years. The staff is very friendly and helpful. The pharmacists always take the time to answer any questions or address any concerns I may have, without making me feel rushed or foolish. There are at least 3 other pharmacies within a two block radius that I have used throughout the years and always come back to Lenda pharmacy. Even when they have been out of stock with an item, they have made the extra effort to order it for later that same day. Overall great customer service.

  • Yamara Gonzalez

    Yamara Gonzalez


    Great service by both customer services staff, pharmacist and pharmacist techs! I been going here for years and have never encountered an issue! Thank you guys for you service , would go anywhere else! The personal care here and one on one attention is greatly appreciated 💕❤️😘

  • en

    Leo Perez


    Very disorganized. First and last time! I went in after having a surgery and unfortunately I did not have anyone to go for me. I understand that they can be busy and i have to wait my turn, however, they started filling meds for people that weren't even at the pharmacy. So there i was going thru hell due to pain from a rotator cuff injury and they were laughing and joking around in the back. The pharmacist had a huge satisfactory smile when she came up with meds and said" told you you had to wait" as if to prove a point. Def not going back.

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