Len3a w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneLen3a



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1156, Bedford Avenue, 11216, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 347-248-5020
strona internetowej: www.len3a.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6846988, Longitude: -73.9544428

komentarze 5

  • Merc Fraczier

    Merc Fraczier


    Love this gym. Clean, great staff, good mix of equipment and classes. Plenty of parking in free lot next door. Nothing to complain about.

  • en

    Stacey Smith


    My time with Len has been indescribable. I definitely had my work cut out for me when we started six months ago, but over time and lots of patience from Len, I'm really starting to see progress. In the beginning I could barely get through a mile of running and as someone who used to run regularly, that was quite a heartbreaker. Now I'm down to an 8:30" mile and I can only attribute that to Len's expertly crafted, always enjoyable sessions. I've slimmed down 3 sizes since I started, toned up my arms and legs, and finally have a core. Len pushes you beyond what you think you're capable of and takes the time to tailor work outs designed for your body and your goals. He's also extremely flexible with scheduling which is super helpful as someone whose schedule changes week to week. I highly highly recommend him to anyone who's ready to watch their body transform.

  • Maggie Finney

    Maggie Finney


    I moved to the neighborhood a few months and decided to start training again which led me to Len and his studio. I can honestly say it's been a kind of 'saving grace' in my life. Len crafts great workouts based on individual client needs, creating a peaceful and safe atmosphere. He's not only unique, thoughtful and patient, but truly one of the most wonderful people I've ever met. If you're looking for someone to help you meet yourself on another level, Len is who you're looking for.

  • en

    Quincy Luckett


    I came to Len in pursuit of a place where I can work towards becoming physically fit for personal and professional goals. I have a long history of being inactive. Len has helped me to make those goals materialize. Meeting just twice a week for about an hour I can see my body toning and becoming stronger. The studio is properly equipped, clean, calming, has beautiful art work and smells awesome. Len is flexible when I need to reschedule. Len is encouraging and will push you to challenge yourself. This is the best thing I've done for myself.

  • en

    Julia Kim


    I've been working with Len for a couple months now. I already see improvements in my flexibility, muscle development and overall strength. Len is highly committed and encouraging when it comes to the work outs. He really caters to your needs and genuinely wants you to reach your full potential. The equipment is clean and the gym is very beautiful and private. I would highly recommend Len for anyone looking for the ultimate personal training experience!

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