Lemon Tree Salon w New Paltz

Stany ZjednoczoneLemon Tree Salon



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Main Street, 12561, New Paltz, Ulster County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-419-5019
strona internetowej: www.lemontree.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.7439299, Longitude: -74.0689284

komentarze 5

  • Hunter Murawa

    Hunter Murawa


    Going for years, good deals, and honest staff.

  • en

    katrina auchmoody


    Jill is the best! Thanks so much!

  • Gloria Estrada

    Gloria Estrada


    Today I had a really bad experience with a fake long hair redhead hairdresser, in this place. She was condescending to my son whom misunderstood, when she asked about how short he wanted his hair in the beginning. My son is a very shy teen, and did not say anything just until the end when she asked what he thought of the haircut. He told her it was still too long and she snapped at him and told him that we had to pay more because her time was counting.

  • Bonnie Brill

    Bonnie Brill


    Misleading Advertisement At Entrance Regarding Extra Charge For "Long Hair." Was Ripped Of By Them. Will Not Return.

  • Lara Jane

    Lara Jane


    First time: mediocre cut, but nothing upsetting. A little overpriced for what it is. Second time: I brought numerous pictures of myself with a haircut I had a couple years ago. She didn't even clearly look at the pictures because she didn't realize that it was me in the pictures and tried to tell me I have a different face shape than the woman in the pictures so I should do a different cut. I told her it was me and I want the same cut. She then gave me a shorter layered cut and when I said it doesn't look like the pictures she said well that's a short to long cut and I gave you layers and no side bang (I clearly had brought in multiple pictures so it would be clear what I wanted), so I said well that's what I wanted and that's what I showed you in the pictures. I asked if she could fix it and she just shrugged her shoulders and said it was closing time. She offered me no refund she did not offer to have me come back to fix it and she cut off more than I wanted so now I can't even go somewhere else and get the cut I wanted because I don't have the length anymore. This was the most disappointing haircut experience I can remember. They're supposed to be inexpensive but they really aren't and it's not worth it to get a cut you don't want. Go somewhere else.

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