Lemon Tree Hotel i Anaheim

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterLemon Tree Hotel


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1600 E. Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92805, USA
kontakter telefon: +1 714-772-0200
internet side: www.lemontreehotelanaheim.com
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Latitude: 33.839453, Longitude: -117.8951421

kommentar 5

  • Jenise Coates

    Jenise Coates


    So pretty and quaint. The little courtyard area is beautiful. They serve breakfast too which is awesome. Only stayed one night but I would definitely stay again!

  • en

    Stacy Nevins


    We stayed here last week and loved it. Got the 2 bedroom suite in the main building. We went for our Disneyland trip. 2 adults and 4 kids. Everyone was very nice. The rooms were clean and the beds were comfortable. The pool was heated and the jacuzzi was nice and hot. Room service was always very quick when we asked for extra towels and pillows. Front desk was always very nice and even the housekeeping ladies were really sweet. I would definitely go there again. The prices were great as well.

  • cameron brannon

    cameron brannon


    Shockingly great room and remarkably well maintained grounds. I had heard warning against staying here through the grapevine and I'm surprised how false the grapevines collective varied complaints seem to be.. and I found this place to be great! Well priced and attentive staff. Will be back.

  • Alberto Ovalle Jr

    Alberto Ovalle Jr


    Better than expected. Really great hotel if you are in a budget. Most people staying here are here for Disneyland. It's gated so you don't need to worry about your car. Parking does get full. It starts getting full around 11 PM after everyone is coming back from a day out. There's free breakfast which was also good. Everything was clean and felt safe. Totally recommend. There's also a pool.

  • Katie Snyder

    Katie Snyder


    Our credit card rewards program booked this trip for us. We couldn’t be happier with our stay. The staff is friendly and helpful. We stayed 6 nights. We had plenty of hot water. The complementary breakfast was adequate. We had a family suite, which included a full size refrigerator, microwave, and kitchen counter with sink. The pool was heated and well maintained. Per my kids the beds are “super comfy”. The rooms and structure are well maintained. The rooms extremely clean. We even used the shuttle to Disneyland. The van is clean and well maintained. The driver even waited a few minutes for me when I was late returning. We hope to visit again.

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