Legal Aid en Phoenix

Estados UnidosLegal Aid


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Phoenix, AZ 85003, USA
contactos teléfono: +1 602-254-1655
sitio web:
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Latitude: 33.4495511, Longitude: -112.0789355

comentarios 2

  • en

    Hamid As


  • en

    Tyger Arnett


    I called in with a very simplistic question. I was told by the person who answered the phone that i needed to be in the correct Department I was. It was a " Family Law" question Marriage, and Emancipation ALL fall under this category. Instead of just telling me she didn't know I was transferred to some recording that said they didn't handle this type of service. When I tried to call back, all i got was that same recording then disconnect. What if I had more than one legal issue happening? This could potentially happen to a person. This is rude, unprofessional and completely lacks any ethics. It simply put is BAD business. I will definitely be doing more than just this review i will also post about this on my Facebook and anywhere else I can think of. Its a shame that businesses stopped caring what people thought, and its a shame that customers stopped speaking up. Oh and BTW that ONE star rating is ONLY because I HAD to,to post this.... I really wish i could MAKE it a negative. STAR in that case it would be a FIVE star negative experience. In the event that i had to I wanted to barely mark it but it wouldn't allow that.

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