Lee's Hawaiian Islander w Lyndhurst

Stany ZjednoczoneLee's Hawaiian Islander



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768, Stuyvesant Avenue, 07071, Lyndhurst, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-939-3777
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8041386, Longitude: -74.1343194

komentarze 5

  • Ligure Ligure

    Ligure Ligure


    Good cheap food and drinks. Great karaoke spot. Tons of fun!!

  • en

    Evelyn Stars


    I've been coming to this place since I was a little girl the food is absolutely amazing such a beautiful Ambience makes you feel like you're not in any ordinary restaurant makes you feel like you're actually on vacation friendly service fantastic tropical drinks the food is always fresh and everything is very clean

  • Lauren Quirolgico

    Lauren Quirolgico


    Great place for a meal with friends or family Intimate booths provide some privacy. Main floor has lots of room for larger gatherings. Good food that reminds us of meals growing up in flushing. Love this place, only advise is to be VERY specific when ordering western beer brands or wine.

  • en

    Kelly Ocaiside


    Reminiscent of a time long ago when Tiki Culture was the in thing! Some my say it's tacky...I say it's amazing! Who doesn't like to be served some crazy concoction of tequila and fruit juice in a flaming ceramic pinapple mug!!! The waiters are endearing...and if you are lucky one my even serenaded you at the end of their shift! They serve standard American Chinese/Cantonese fair......which is good....but really...you aren't going to Lee's for the food! The drinks, decor and karaoke are really why it's usually packed on a Saturday night! So grab your close friends , your drinking shoes and let yourself get loose at Lee's!

  • Don Windrem

    Don Windrem


    Used to go here occasionally with my family back in the 80s and it was memorable. Glad it is open again. Food was good, atmosphere was great, love the decor. People were very nice although they did mix our order up once but were quick to fix. Appetizers are very expensive, so maybe stay away from them. I would recommend giving it a try.

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