Le Pain Quotidien w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneLe Pain Quotidien



🕗 godziny otwarcia

801, Broadway, 10003, New York, New York County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 212-677-5277
strona internetowej: www.lepainquotidien.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7326451, Longitude: -73.9914367

komentarze 5

  • Anna Frankl-Duval

    Anna Frankl-Duval


    This is my favourite LPQ location - I'm there all the time. The atmosphere is great, the food is delicious and the staff are super friendly! I usually sit in Astrid's section, she's lovely, warm, friendly and service in her section is always great.

  • Ana Vidal Kaufman

    Ana Vidal Kaufman


    Top quality ingredients, trustworthy & yummy, excellent service, all reasonably priced. You can't miss.




    Sitting in one of the best neighborhood in Manhattan, it offers a quite and friendly atmosphere for coffee and reading.

  • fiona cornibert

    fiona cornibert


    Amazing staff and great food

  • en

    Michael Davis


    I generally look for 3 things in the places I frequent: Service - the staff were friendly, though service was poor. At one point in the meal, I got up and took our water glasses over to the counter to ask for more water. In fairness to the staff, they did apologize, and refilled our glasses immediately. Offering - the food is delicious. we had the following items: - three bean chili: looked delicious - I did not have this. - chicken noodle soup: looked and tasted AMAZING. very yummy. - egg salad tartine: looked delicious - I did not have this. - croque monsieur: absolutely lovely! Atmosphere - very packed, and the ratio of salt and pepper shakers to people dining was annoyingly low. Several other customers interrupted our conversation to ask to borrow our salt and pepper shaker. I hope you found this review helpful.

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