Le Caire Lounge w Williston Park

Stany ZjednoczoneLe Caire Lounge



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279, Hillside Avenue, 11596, Williston Park, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-877-5072
strona internetowej: www.lecairelounge.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7542518, Longitude: -73.6506351

komentarze 5

  • en

    Holly Beach Babbar


    This place is one of the TOP hookah places in all of the 5 boroughs. I've been going here for a year now. #1 I've seen the staff change over a year but the QUALITY stays the same. Definitely top quality hookah which is the number 1 thing I look for in hookah. Hookah lasts long, and flavor is true. #2 the SERVICE is very attentive. No place is perfect but, they attend to your needs in a timely and pleasant manner. Staff is very friendly. #3 the OWNER is very approaching and helpful. He tries to meet whatever you ask of him although he has hired people to do so he makes sure they are always checking on customers & goes out of his way to do so himself. #4 MUSIC is very diverse. They play hip hop, r&b, Arab, French, Indian (Punjab, Desi), Hebrew etc. even if you request something they are willing to play it. This is one of the only places that I've been to that plays a little bit of everything and I love it. #5 They serve BEVERAGES, alcoholic & nonalcoholic which not a lot of places in Long Island serve alcohol. #6 hookah is reasonable PRICED, especially for the quality. Overall the vibes, hookah, services, and drinks are always on point. Next time you consider trying hookah definitely check this place out!!!! You won't regret it. I've tried a lot of places in the 5 boroughs and this is one of my go to places, very accommodating. You won't regret it.

  • en

    Alwaleed Alshamrani


    The place is very nice, the music is beautiful as well as the shisha, I always come here for relaxation .. Thank you for this beautiful place

  • en

    Yuliya M.


    Great hookah lounge with reasonable prices and friendly staff. Different hookah flavours and great atmosfere. Love coming here with friends

  • Seira Thomas

    Seira Thomas


    This place is THE WORST... the service was average but the DJ was absolutely horrible.. he completely ignored our requests for an hour and when we were about to leave he starts playing the songs we requested to get us to stay... We were told the place gets busy on Fridays, but it was pretty much empty. I wouldn't recommend this place to anyone....

  • Steve Panzella

    Steve Panzella


    Atmosphere was nice but place was not busy so we will go back another time.

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