Law Offices of Joseph A. Romano, P.C. w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneLaw Offices of Joseph A. Romano, P.C.



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1776, Eastchester Road, 10461, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 855-965-1515
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.849331, Longitude: -73.842485

komentarze 5

  • Pai moxey

    Pai moxey


    THE Law office of Joseph A. Romano, has secured me for four (4) years and has always listened to my concern. They show respect for the clients case by providing and updating information as needed and am always able to speak to a live representative , that proves how much they care. Effective communication make this Firm Top Dog!

  • en

    Ante Pavlak


    I have had a positive experience dealing with this law firm so far. They have always answered my questions and returned my calls in a timely manner.

  • en

    Anita Porcher


    I highly recommend Joseph and Romans lawyer's. these people take their time with you they listen to your problem and they do best for you ..not for the self. If you need a lawyer they are the ones.

  • Lizabeth Norman

    Lizabeth Norman


    The Law Office of Joseph Romano, P.C., was a beacon of hope to me at a time when I thought my options appeared limited and the likelihood of a satisfactory resolution seemed nigh on impossible. Not only were the lawyers able to defend me from an unjust practice, They're calm and empathetic demeanor offered emotional assistance & support in times of hardship & distress. My children and I are eternally grateful for their service, and their ongoing support and assistance and I hereby recommend this Law Firm to anyone without reservation.”

  • Craig Nichols

    Craig Nichols


    Unfortunately, I had severe trauma to my Spine in December of 2016. It became a NYS Workers Compensation case because the injury occurred at work. Thankfully, I was referred to the Law Office of Joseph A. Romano. Barbara Reilly, ATTY was assigned to my case. I had attempted to get through the system on my own and it was daunting. As soon as Barbara and I spoke, she took me on and treated me like family. She put everything in place for my benefits, never missed a phone call or email, and advised me every step of the way. She was the ultimate professional and showed me that with the Firm and her on my side, I no longer was the 'the little guy"; I was going to be represented. My inquiries were so extensive that I will never be the same and I am partially disabled. But, we won the case and I have a new outlook on life and I owe it to her and the Firm. I couldn't have been in better hands. Thank you Barbara. You made a second chance at life possible.

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