Law Offices of Frederick K. Brewington i Hempstead

Forenede StaterLaw Offices of Frederick K. Brewington



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556, Peninsula Boulevard, 11550, Hempstead, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-489-6959
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.698777, Longitude: -73.629319

kommentar 5

  • Retr0nik



    Completely profession

  • David Hayes

    David Hayes


    I have been a personal injury and tax client of Mr. Brewington for over twenty years. He and his staff have always been professional and courteous.

  • Juan Jose Gonzalez

    Juan Jose Gonzalez


    Terrible how do you charge someone a consultation today won some money to help and you can make a money terrible di t recommend

  • en

    Derick Bogan


    Plan on reaching out to him in the very near future, but he did an excellent job at seeking justice for my close friend's 1rst cousin 💯. Frederick is definitely an attorney who believes in going the extra mile to make sure justice is served. Professional, & courteous gentleman as well.

  • en

    ubay muhammad


    I am so very thankful for Mr. Brewington, and his dynamic team of attorneys, paralegals, and office administration. From the moment I walked in to sit down with Ms. Lockwood, I felt as if I were speaking with someone who above all else cared and was determined to help me. I was 1000 percent correct. Mr. Brewington and his legal team, relieved my wife an and from a horrific series of events following a false gun charge 3+ years ago. We are so thankful to God that we trusted in Mr. Brewington when we did. I am ever grateful. Also I want to add, that the very, very, very, affordable consultation fee, is to my understanding a gauge of commitment. If you are serious in needing an attorney's representation or advice, than you should be committed to seeing through whatever issues you need resolved. If you are serious and committed, than you would know and understand that their time is limited and worth FAR more than the $100 consultation fee they are asking. So this small cost would not deter you from seeking legal advice, especially from an office with Mr. Brewington's reputation and commitment to excellence. I hope this helps others who let such a small thing deter them from what might be their only positive recourse. Thank you so much again, Mr. Brewington and incredible staff.

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