Lavish Laser Medical Spa w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneLavish Laser Medical Spa



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470, 7th Avenue, 10018, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-695-7546
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Latitude: 40.7520202, Longitude: -73.9903068

komentarze 5

  • en

    Polite Henry


    Extremely pleased with the level of service I received. I have very sensitive skin, and received a chemical peel, not only was my expectations met they were exceeded and my skin still has a beautiful glow one month later!!!

  • en

    Milan Lewis


    If you are looking for basic courtesy or respect go elsewhere. I have multiple bad experience with Lavishlaser. They initially charged my credit card $300 instead of $100 deposit for an appointment. I called and asked Leslie why was I charged a different amount than they told me. she was so rude and initially denied charging my card. But she called back and apologized, so I decided to give them another chance. Fast forward I kept my appointment time, I took time off work to be there because the procedure I want is only available on Wednesday and Saturday. I came in Saturday on time and Dr Wong was an hour late. I asked the lady on duty "what time will Dr Wong be in because I need to let my boss know I will be late if I wait for him any longer?" Her response "Go and have a seat and wait, I am with a client" I said I need to have an idea how late he will be, so I can decide if I want to wait for him or leave. She coldly said "I don't know and I am with a customer." So I decided to leave. 15 minutes late is understandable and acceptable but one hour. It is just rude and total disregard to customer's time. If you don't mind waiting and dealing with a rude staff. It's the perfect place otherwise, go elsewhere! UPDATE. I made a $100 deposit for my appointment and I left because Dr Wong was one hour late and I have to go to work. Leslie told me I will get a refund. I called her and she said I won't get a refund because I showed up but didn't wait for Dr Wong who I waited for an hour but didn't show up. I am making a chargeback claim with my bank no big deal. Look elsewhere and avoid this place like a plague. The five starts review are from the staff themselves, they have the same first name as most of the reviewers giving them five stars.

  • en

    Jen Gonzalez


    Love my experience everytime I visit. Leslie is awesome she is always proffesssinal and truthful! I love that about her she tells you what you need and what are your realistic expectations before and after the procedures. Bianca is another one love her to death! She is so adorable and professional she gives me the best advice and she is honest. She knows what she is doing to the T! My skin was terrible almost horrible I broke out everywhere all of a sudden I had acne all over my jawline and my cheeks. I never broke out before like this not even as a teenager. It was uncontrollable and nasty. I went to lavish laser for treatment it started in February 2017 and I got clear perfect skin within. 3 months. I have done the perfect derma peel and the products are lovely! I'm super excited about my results and so glad i came here. I went to other places and they just took my money not at lavish! Thank you for all your help love you guys you have changed my life and got my perfect skin back!!!

  • Lizziee Jerez

    Lizziee Jerez


    This is a great laser spa. Leslie really knows skin. She is very thorough in explaining treatments, and recommending the right type for you. She also explains very clearly (not a lot of spas do), that skin is different and that sometimes to see the results you mingle need more than one session for a particular treatment. Leslie has done what several Dermatologists failed to do, she has made my skin so much better with just one micro needling. I feel confident without make up in public. It is a great feeling. I also started using the products she recommended. My beauty routine has gone down to 3 simple products, and my face is radiant, getting smoother, better, and younger everyday :) The atmosphere and the staff are friendly & casual. The services offered are great. Highly recommend Lavish Laser. They know skin!

  • SL G

    SL G


    Just wanted to note that I left a longer, more detailed review on Yelp if anyone wants to check that out, under Sasha G. To keep it short, I'm very satisfied with my results for acne scarring from Microneedling so far and I've only had 2 sessions done. The service is great and Leslie, Bianca and Nadine are amazing! I would definitely recommend Lavish Laser to others!

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