Laura Mecklosky, Attorney at Law w Hempstead

Stany ZjednoczoneLaura Mecklosky, Attorney at Law



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250, Fulton Avenue, 11550, Hempstead, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-633-4879
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.707441, Longitude: -73.626093

komentarze 5

  • en

    brian kircher


    If your looking for someone to help assist with legal representation look no further...Laura Mecklosky is personable, efficient, and straight forward. I would highly recommend her. Thank you for your dedication and hard work Laura!!

  • en

    M G


    Just got home from court. Luckily Ms. Mecklosky took care of my issue in the very 1st court appearance. She is honest, caring and doesn't mislead you. The 1st attorney quoted me with a 5k quote and tried to strike fear in me. Laura was honest and professional from the start. Her winning smile in her profile is just that. Thank you Laura :)

  • Karen Swett

    Karen Swett


    We have used Ms. Mecklosky several times over the years to assist with a number of problems. She takes the time to understand the court’s habits and previous decisions and tailors her defense to get the best possible outcome for her clients. She is smart, compassionate, and deferential to the courts which is really critical - nobody needs their attorney to alienate the judge! I would never use anybody else. I recommend her highly!

  • en

    Maeve Johnston


  • Miri B

    Miri B


    Ms. Mecklosky was very efficient and very good at her job. I had some outstanding moving violations from several years ago, and expected it to take a month or more to clear them and possibly thousands of dollars and leave me with points on my license. I called her on Thursday; she had them all cleared by the following Wednesday evening, and it only took that long because some of them were in Lynbrook, where cases are only heard Wednesday night. She also pled my offences down to 4 counts of jaywalking, saving me hundreds of dollars in fines and fees (it at least made up for what I paid her for her services) and making it so that I would have no points on my license. She did all this while never needing me to come into her office; I had paperwork to fill out, which she emailed to me; I printed it, filled it out, got one item notarized, and scanned it and emailed it back to her. She was very professional and kept me constantly apprised of the state of my case, both by email and phone call, and also offered texting as an option. I would highly recommend her services to anyone looking to resolve traffic tickets, especially if they're old; I will be saving her number and calling her again if I ever have any other issues.

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