Las Vegas Paiute Tribal Mini Mart w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneLas Vegas Paiute Tribal Mini Mart



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1225, North Main Street, 89101, Las Vegas, Clark County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 702-366-1101
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Latitude: 36.184383, Longitude: -115.1385259

komentarze 5

  • en

    Lynn Gabrielian


    Not real impressed with their prices... Smith's Grocery is cheaper per pack by .95 cents for my brand.. their bags of "tabacco for rolling cigarettes" is 1/2 the price at the little smoke shop around the corner.. their tubes are the same price.. I don't care for their "eagle/low cost carton's" I seem to smoke twice as much as my regular brand... Add the cost of gas and being stuck in traffic on the highway It's just not worth it for me. They have all different kinds of rolling papers and good prices on their cigarello's neither which I use personally... Now if your in a wheelchair good luck.. I went using my walker and that was difficult enough... The store is very clean and well staffed though.

  • Ben Berland

    Ben Berland


    I stopped in here in November 2017 to get some cigars. First I went to the smoke shop and my Southern cousins directed me next door to their smoke shop. I needed some butane for my zippo and bought some. Very cheap (well, compared to Canada anyway). The cigar shop had great prices as well, and all the staff were very helpful. I have a new stop next time I'm in Vegas.

  • en

    Mark Stengel


    Had what i wanted and went for. Nothing special however it was to me. Captain Black Original (White Pouch). Man who assisted me was helpful and super friendly. I will be making this tabacco store my go to smoke shop in sunny Las Vegas, Nevada !!!

  • Sherri L-W

    Sherri L-W


    Cigarette packs as well as cartons of cigarettes are much cheaper and they have the whole variety of whatever you smoke and right next door is a very very nice cigar and smoke shop love the place will go back

  • Clint White

    Clint White


    This is a great place to buy off brand cigarettes. Just make sure to pick up a copy of the Las Vegas weekly magazine or Seven magazine from smiths or albertsons. So you can cut out the monthly coupon they provide. If you have a printer, you can also visit their website to print out coupons. The coupons vary. Sometimes it's as high as $5 off a carton. But more commonly it's about $2-$3 off a carton. This place is kinda hidden and out of the way from the strip and downtown. And a bit far from most neighborhoods. So when I visit I usually buy 2-3 cartons at a time. But it saves me money. And that's great.

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