Ларчмонт Дог Бич i Larchmont

Forenede StaterЛарчмонт Дог Бич


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Park Avenue, 10538, Larchmont, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-834-6230
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Latitude: 40.9161887, Longitude: -73.7496982

kommentar 5

  • К S

    К S


    Nice place to come too, you can see the bridges and lights of New york in the evening. Also this is open beach

  • en



    There are dogs but a beach? Plenty of poop but limited sand.

  • en

    David Guerrero


    Reaaly good olace for dogs, they can run on the beach and olay in the water, remember bring your leash

  • yankee lucky

    yankee lucky


    Fun for your pup to take a quick dip and make new friends. The area is relatively small depending on the tide. Little to no garbage in the water. The only down fall is that because the community is adamant about maintaining a peaceful and secluded environment, loud barking and too much commotion causes the neighbors to come and monitor the play and may even get someone to implement that all dogs remain on leash. But over all it is a wonderful area, & almost always a friendly crowd.

  • Russell Ford

    Russell Ford


    Nice place to let your dog run around. Be careful cops didn't bother me but I did see them posted outside the park when we left...I guess they might give out tikets.

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