Lane Bryant i Portland

Forenede StaterLane Bryant



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1480, North Tomahawk Island Drive, 97217, Portland, Multnomah County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 503-205-1643
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.6119372, Longitude: -122.6835454

kommentar 5

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    Linda Mills


  • Manda Marie

    Manda Marie


    Great service, friendly shopkeepers. Good size store and availability. If they don't have it, you can order online and have it shipped FREE to your home (but only from the store.) This location does not sell shoes, Cascade does have a small section. Tualatin has the largest bra selection.

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    Suki McDonough


    Friendly staff, pretty clothes, great sales!

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    Teresa Smith


    Super happy with the customer service at this store! The ladies working here are amazing! 15 years, 60 pounds and three years of breastfeeding since I've been sized for a bra and I had a wonderful, helpful, friendly experience finding the right style and sizing to make me feel great. So great I splurged on other clothing items to compliment my new, literal, lift. Thank you for excelling in you craft! Edit: shout out to Kenya and Tiffany!

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    Rayne Prothero


    I love this store and it's employees. Everyone is so kind, helpful and upbeat. It literally makes my day brighter when I visit.

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