Landmark's E Street Cinema i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterLandmark's E Street Cinema


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555, 11th Street Northwest, 20004, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-783-9494
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.8962753, Longitude: -77.0265758

kommentar 5

  • katelyn moore

    katelyn moore


    Unique and independent movies, with some regularly scheduled cult favorites. Full bar and good concessions. Small theaters, so don't wait until the last minute to grab a seat, but always a great time!

  • Brad Johnson

    Brad Johnson


    Pretty cool theater. They play mostly foreign and indie flicks. It's not the most up to date theater in the area, but they have a good bar selection. If you're looking to see a more recent indie movie they'll probably have it.

  • Jacob Thayer

    Jacob Thayer


    One of the best movie theater experiences I've ever had. Their popcorn is some of the best (real butter)! Good bar selection and clean.

  • Sock Socky

    Sock Socky


    Very clean theatre, friendly staff reasonable prices. This theatre is also huge, not sure how many screens there are but it is several stories. Clean bathrooms also...that is worth big in my book. Nothing worse than a awfull theatre bathroom. This place is definitely a four thumbs up, and a recommendations to friends. Keep up the good work!

  • Andrea Larson Perez

    Andrea Larson Perez


    The Landmark Theater group gets most of my business! The E Street location is close to Metro Center stop and nearby shopping and restaurants. I suggest purchasing your tickets online prior because shows sell out and we have been disappointed - once! The concessions are really good and offer a good variety, including beer and wine. Comfy seats, too! Check out West End location for their Capital Classics.

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