Lady Gray Dress Shop w Beacon

Stany ZjednoczoneLady Gray Dress Shop



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274, Main Street, 12508, Beacon, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-831-0798
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.5060839, Longitude: -73.9714283

komentarze 5

  • en

    Donna Nebel


    After searching for months, both online and in stores, I had given up hope of finding a Mother of the Bride dress that was right for me. Someone told me to try “Lady Gray” so I made the trip to Beacon and it was such a wonderful experience. Tina treated me like royalty and I wish I could hire her as my personal stylist. Within minutes of arriving, she had an idea of what I would like and what would be flattering for me. I tried on many dresses, and I would be happy with any of five of the final choices! The dress I finally chose is beautiful! And it can be ordered in the color I chose, and hemmed to be “tea length” which is difficult to find this season. Tina knew exactly what would work with my taste and the style of the wedding, which is in London this fall. I wholeheartedly recommend Lady Gray to Mother of the Bride/Groom, or to any bride for her gown and attendants’ gowns. I have already recommended her to two of my friends who have upcoming weddings in their families. Thank you Tina and Lady Gray! -Donna N., Hudson Valley, NY

  • en

    MG MG


    It was a cold inside, and taking pictures is not allowed unless you buy dress. Overall the visit was nice and the staff was friendly.

  • Valerie Montrone

    Valerie Montrone


    I am beyond thrilled I checked out Lady Gray about two weekends ago!! It was my first stop for wedding dress shopping and Tina made me feel at ease while making one of the biggest decisions for my wedding. She was warm, friendly, listened to all my likes and dislikes and was very knowledgeable about the dresses. She knows her stuff! In fact I have cancelled all other appointments because I KNOW I have found THE PLACE to find my dress! I am going to have my bridesmaids check out the dresses there too! I go back next weekend and let me tell ya it can't come soon enough! I am so excited!!!!! Do yourself a favor and go to Lady Gray! Tina will take care of you!

  • en

    Jacqueline S.


    Best experience of my life!! Tina and her Goddaughter are absolutely fabulous! Tina is so experienced/knowledgeable that just by looking at me she picked out a few dresses. The FIRST one she picked I choose as my wedding gown!!!!!! Tina and Jamie are super sweet, outgoing, and made me feel so comfortable! If you are looking for that perfect wedding gown or bridesmaid dress, LADY GREY is a MUST!!!!

  • en

    Kristen Palmieri


    I had a wonderful experience at Lady Gray. Tina and her staff were so kind, helpful and honest. She had dresses pulled upon my arrival of some of the styles she thought I may want to try on based on our phone conversation. She took her time with me, pinning each dress to make it look as close as possible to how it would look if it were my size. She put different color fabrics under the dress overlays to show me how the dress would look if ordered in a different color. After trying on several dress and narrowing it down to a few, Tina recommended I leave and clear my head as after trying on so many dresses, you tend to get overwhelmed. There was no pressure to purchase a dress that day. I really appreciated her sincerity, honesty, and professionalism. Looking forward to going back in a few weeks to try on the dresses again!

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