La Salsa Laundromat Inc en New York

Estados UnidosLa Salsa Laundromat Inc



🕗 horarios

93, Stuyvesant Place, 10301, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-447-6800
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6439016, Longitude: -74.0774595

comentarios 5

  • eric Pecunia

    eric Pecunia


    The place Is clean the machinery is new & working. The girls working there are friendly . I use the dry cleaning service on a regular basis excellent service overall .

  • mark



    New and Improved family business! Best Laundry and dry cleaning service in St. George! Thank you for being a well run establishment :-)

  • Kurt L Hanson

    Kurt L Hanson


    The machines are new and the place is clean. If you’re new to the area this is your laundromat.

  • en

    Jessica Russ


    This is the most efficient, effective, friendly, and clean laundromat I have ever had the pleasure to patronize. Drop off service has always been on time and exceptional, the owners and staff are courteous and conscientious, and my laundry is always returned with a meticulously crafted technique of fold. I will have these folks wash and dry clean my clothes for as long as I can, particularly given the very reasonable prices.

  • Joe Del Villar

    Joe Del Villar


    They do a great job on dry cleaning. Nice people who work there. i would highly recommend.

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