La Quinta Inn Fresno Yosemite i Fresno

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Forenede StaterLa Quinta Inn Fresno Yosemite



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2926, Tulare Street, 93721, Fresno, Fresno County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 559-442-1110
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.7406455, Longitude: -119.7800075

kommentar 5

  • en

    Carol Schilling


    Hello, I gave this a 1 star because the people are friendly. Unfortunately, though it was quiet at first, the outside doors made for a noisy stay the rest of the time. There was mold and rust in the bathroom and the air vents were not working, so we all woke up stuffy and slightly nauseous. The beds were smaller than our previous LA Quinta stays and there were no blankets just sheets. If you need them, we took pictures.

  • robert perez

    robert perez


    The front this is great! Mr. Paul and Mr. Alexis are very professional and courteous. The second time around staying at this place was a little noisy due to a charter bus.

  • en

    Dianisha Vinson


    It's n great place to the and stay for the time your there and also there front desk always have great respect for anybody. I have never rented an room there but numerous of times they have let me eat breakfast with them. So I would recommend this place too other friends.

  • Joe Anderson

    Joe Anderson


    More of a motel than a hotel. Very noisy from the street traffic to guests. Rooms are a bit run down, mine had a smoking smell. They did not even give me shampoo only conditioner. Pool was filthy with a layer of something on the surface. Best thing was breakfast setup.

  • H.S Lyons

    H.S Lyons


    Place needs a lot of work! The toilet is constently running all night long. The employees were very hostile towards each other, wandering if a fight is going to happen! The front door needs to be replaced, very weak door. Considering that there is a lot of homeless people around. 😐 One of our card keys did not work-at all. At least the beds were comfortable. I'm definitely not going here again.

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