La Chic Boutique of New York w Seaford

Stany ZjednoczoneLa Chic Boutique of New York



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3937, Merrick Road, 11783, Seaford, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-541-0678
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.666547, Longitude: -73.485848

komentarze 5

  • en

    Lisa Walker


    Fantastic service, wide selection, family run... a tad expensive

  • en

    Elizabeth Yeng


    Beautiful dresses in a super little store, fair prices but they will make it up when you have to do any alteration v that's when your head aid starts, prices will start from $80 dollars to hem a plain single layer dress MAKE sure to bring cash. Alterations are CASH ONLY!

  • en

    Ashley Smith


    Hi, everyone! So, I'll start off like this. My first impressions of La Chic Boutique were amazing. Gorgeous dresses (not to mention gorgeous prices too), but unbelievable styles. Almost any color you like, it's there. I have found a beautiful royal blue gown that fit me like a glove. They make you wear their gloves for protection with the oils of your skin. That's understandable. I was shopping for my junior prom that's on April 21st. HOWEVER, what I didn't like was when I felt that they were a little too pushy with their appointments. I had to reschedule my alterations because they didn't make any changes whatsoever the first time. It was such an inconvenience for me. Thank god I was able to make it to the second appointment. If not, there would have been problems. Scheduling for work, etc. whatever the case may be. I also had royal blue straps that were attached to my dress in a little zip lock bag. They just decided to cut them off the dress when I PAID for the WHOLE THING in full! I didn't want the straps to be a part of the alterations, but just to keep them for future references. We made them into attachments , meaning we can take off and leave them on whenever we want, there are hooks now. They had nerve doing that. Lastly, they charge WAY TOO MUCH MONEY for their dresses! It's sky high. If you're looking for a price range within the lower hundreds or low two hundred, that's not going to happen. They jack up the tax! It was $27! Absolutely ridiculous. Overall, I got great service. They were helpful. I just don't know if I would ever go back there again.

  • Dina Santorelli

    Dina Santorelli


    After the week I've had, I really wanted to give this store a one-star review, but I want to be fair. I have bought THREE dresses from La Chic Boutique. All those times, the shopping experience was a dream -- helpful salespeople, lovely merchandise. However, after buying a lovely short dress a week ago for her senior banquet and posting the dress on social media, my daughter has had to endure cyber-bullying and angst. ALL OVER A DRESS. It turns out, my daughter bought the same dress as another girl in her school. You might think, Who cares? Just like I did. You might think this has nothing to do with the boutique. Honestly, I do not blame the boutique for this. I didn't expect the store to keep track of who bought what. I mean, there are some 250 senior girls in my daughter's high school, and they're all buying off the rack. Surely, there will be some duplicates, no? Plus, my daughter doesn't care if another student wears the same dress. She knows her beauty comes from within, not from a piece of fabric. However, I've learned that not everyone feels that way. I'm told that the other student's mother contacted the store to complain. That's fine. Mothers need to do what they need to do. However, what is most surprising to me is that the STORE called me the very next day. Why? The owner said -- by law -- she could not tell me to return the dress, but kept telling me I COULD, even when I told her we were happy with our purchase. I have never, never had this experience before from a shop -- and I do try to shop local and small mom-and-pop businesses to support them. Then began the full-court press. The cyber-bullying. The other girl's mother contacted me through social media (not by phone) to tell me the store told me to return the dress, even though it had not. Long story short, what had begun as a lovely experience became a bit of a nightmare, but luckily my daughter knows that a dress is not worth it. She initially decided to keep the dress, but the pressure continued, which is not the store's fault, I understand. But I kind of feel like indirectly it was, since the owner could have easily told this other customer that we were just as important as she was and shut this down. Unfortunately, the owner did not. So we returned the dress in the end, and La Chic Boutique lost a customer for life.

  • sophia ferraro

    sophia ferraro


    Thought they we're so nice and they helped my daughter so much and not pushy at all . Thank you so much and we are so happy with our dress . I would definitely recommend your place to everyone .

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