L A Stereo i Las Vegas

Forenede StaterL A Stereo



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7353, West Sahara Avenue, 89117, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 702-527-7883
internet side: www.lastereo.net
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 36.143532, Longitude: -115.253168

kommentar 5

  • Greg Anderson

    Greg Anderson


    This shop is awesome they fixed other shops mistakes they installed my equipment perfectly and I'm an ocd person all thier people were very knowledgeable in the product I had. Thank you Ryan for all your help and work. We will be doing more business with you in the near future.

  • JoAnn De La Torre

    JoAnn De La Torre


    I am completely happy with the equipment that Germain sold and installed in a car. He did a great job, definitely very talented and professional. He even took the time to answer all the questions I had about the my touchscreen radio. Thank you so much!! Definitely will be coming back and getting more things from here.

  • John Rumfield

    John Rumfield


    Showed me the tweeters that would work on my 4runner. Slight mod and done. Courteous and helpful. Did not want to make a mistake with an online purchase. Needed to matchup for fit. Great store. Looks like these guys know there stuff. 1yr warranty at store. I am now a fan of many local stores over online when they provide great service. LA does.

  • joanne anderson

    joanne anderson


    After calling places all day, Ryan immediately answered all my questions and reassured me that they could meet my needs - but to come in for a quote! We came in later the same day (today) and Ryan talked Us through all the options, suiting all budgets, and helped us to decide on the best choice for us! I have left a deposit and the work will be done by this weekend (once the part is in they will schedule us!), at which point I feel confident I will come back on here and tell you that the service was impeccable! Ryan is totally awesome and not judgmental of my little Ford Fiesta, and was happy to recommend a cheaper option for me! Hoorah!

  • en

    Jason Davies


    I have never upgraded a sound system before and didn't have the slightest clue what to do. Ryan was extremely helpful and never made me felt pressured. He actually encouraged me to go out and shop around and come back if someone had a better offer. LA stereo was the first place I went to and felt the most comfortable. They are extremely knowledgeable (which helps someone out like me) installed everything in a single day. If I ever need another upgrade there will be no shopping around. LA stereo will have full retention with me. Thank you to Ryan and Jerome for your professionalism and for taking good care of me.

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