Kwik Kar Lube & Tune en Keller

Estados UnidosKwik Kar Lube & Tune



🕗 horarios

850, Keller Parkway, 76248, Keller, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 817-741-5945
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.9337521, Longitude: -97.2339279

comentarios 5

  • Shugato Davis

    Shugato Davis


    We started coming here for car inspections and oil changes, but found them to be so friendly, honest, and very competent that we have used them for major repairs as well. They give you an honest estimate up front for repairs, explain other options that may cost less, and always finish the work when or before they say they will. We are totally satisfied and will continue to be repeat customers. It's so rare to find an auto repair place you trust but we are happy to have found one.

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    Tim Mooney


    I intend to never go any other place for an oil change! Very professional, caring, and customer service oriented. Dwyane remembered me and details about my car from previous visits. I'll drive miles out of my way to go there.

  • Collin Qualls

    Collin Qualls


    I’ve used these folks since they first opened. I was concerned when they sold but any fears in change were quickly removed as the level of service never missed a beat! They treat your car as if it was their own and greet you by name and have never been “sold” anything. They truly are concerned with the well being of your automobile and your safety first & foremost. From the owner to the newest employee their “Customer Centric Service” rings true every time all the time. They will always continue to service all my vehicles. Tyler always looks out for my best interest as well as my wife’s SUV & my Son’s truck. I’ve tried others in the past and quickly learned I had made a terrible choice to just save a few dollars as Tyler showed me the reason why the other company did what they did only to insure I’d come back to them to fix the problem they caused. He quickly corrected the problem and installed the correct parts and then told me I owed him nothing as all he sincerely wanted was to insure my wife’s safety. He’s an asset to their company as well as my own well being. Thank you Guys!!! Respectfully submitted, Collin

  • Zach Fry

    Zach Fry


    Took my car here to install some new spark plugs during a high-mileage tune-up. They had finished installing them in one hour. Extra K W I K!! Reasonably priced too. Don't let others tell you this place rips you off. They don't.

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    Marjorie Ochs


    Have been to this location several times and they are always fast, professional, and don't try to upsell you on anything. In fact, they go out of their way to save you money. Won't take my car or truck anywhere else. Thanks to Ron and everyone who works there. Keep it up.

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