Kunal Jewelers w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneKunal Jewelers



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37-08, 74th Street, 11372, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-478-7200
strona internetowej: www.kunaljewelers.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.748614, Longitude: -73.891961

komentarze 5

  • Nishat Rahman

    Nishat Rahman


    The variety of golds are limited and prices are same as other stores. The customer service is a little better compared to other stores but still don't stop arguing with customers. It gets very annoying after a while of hearing "if you buy a bigger item, i can give you better deal". How is it related that i will get a better deal by spending more money and why cant get a portion of a deal when spending 4-5 hundred. Its a Trap!!

  • Soyeb chowdhury

    Soyeb chowdhury


    Mr. Kunal is very friendly and really honest person.

  • Khan Sayed

    Khan Sayed


    Gold ha!!!! Always expensive than any other materials. Had rough and tough time to choose. Wonderful people's are working here. Very friendly.

  • en

    Rhea Patel


    I recently went to Kunal Jewelers and found it to be ok. However, I found some of their jewelry like small items like earrings, rings do not have the "916" stamp on it. All Gold jewelry if it is real is required to have this goverment approved stamp. So if I do not see this stamp, how would I know if it is real? The store staff was not able to answer that :( I don't think I will go back there again. Thank you.

  • Rohan Verma

    Rohan Verma


    Was looking for gold ring while in NY for my cousin, found it hard to find an honest jewler in NY. Kunal jewelers turned it around for me! Exceptional service, proven quality products... no pressure and no hassle. Definitly recommend this place.

najbliższy Jubiler

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