Krachai Thai Kitchen w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneKrachai Thai Kitchen



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3361, West Greenway Road, 85053, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 602-942-0504
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.6248167, Longitude: -112.1310047

komentarze 5

  • en

    Shay Kiddy


    First off I love the atmosphere, Clean and nice, but still comfortable and authentic. The owners brother was serving our food and it was nice seeing a family style staff. Every time my girlfriend and I come we park in front, and every time the lady compliments me on my big red hummer and ask how we are. This may seem like a little thing but it creates a sense of familiarity which I think is important with a restaurant you frequent often. Now to the exciting part, the food! This is the most authentic, colorful, and delicious Thai food I have had anywhere. My dad lived in Thailand for four months on a medical retreat and he even agrees that this is some of the best Thai food he has had in the states. I would highly recommend the pad Thai as Thats my favorite, or the curry of any kind. Really though anything on the menu is usually just perfect. Give this place a shot and you will not be disappointed!

  • Deepa Doddihal Tanna

    Deepa Doddihal Tanna


    After much research cause I was craving Thai came across this restaurant. Its small neat place. But the food is AMAZING! We order the chicken satay, spicy basil chicken fried rice and red curry... oh man! We will be back...

  • Corey Harris

    Corey Harris


    One of my first jobs was working as a prep cook at a Thai restaurant in the mid nineties. I fell in love with this food. Unfortunately the place closed. Every since, I have enthusiastically tried Thai food all over the valley. It's never bad and usually very good, but only twice have I found places that serve anything as good as that first place I worked at. Now I can officially make that three. To begin I loved the decor. Most good Thai food seems to be at hole-in-the-wall locations, while the more corporate, upscale Thai places tend to ease off the flavor and spice for American palates. This place was a nice blend. Clean and nice, but still intimate and authentic. When I ordered medium spice level, the server asked if I liked spicy food. I immediately got excited, as this is usually code for "we're not going to drop the spice level just because you are a Caucasian American." I always order panang curry as my first test of a place. When I took my first bite, I made a long, yummy moan. Theirs had the right balance of savory and sweet, with an elusive, extra dimension of flavor, I believe coming in part from the whole, fresh basil leaves oozing flavor into the sauce. And the spice level was perfect. Just enough to make my nose run a little and leave the memory of it on my tongue as I walked out. I will be back to try all the things. I cannot recommend this establishment highly enough.

  • en

    Lory Fasula


    Yum Yum Yum!!! Fresh, consistently delicious. We're never had anything we disliked & our family has carried tastes. Lovely family that owns this. We come 1-2 a month

  • en

    james Adams


    Today was the first time eating here. I had to wait a bit for my food but it was worth it. I ordered the Phanaeng curry. Their version was the best I have had so far. The spring rolls were also delicious. Five stars. Would come back again

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