Kozy Kingdom w Copiague

Stany ZjednoczoneKozy Kingdom



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92, New York 27A, 11726, Copiague, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-842-5260
strona internetowej: kozykingdom.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.667676, Longitude: -73.398777

komentarze 5

  • en

    Sharon Boisvert


    Hi Frank - my cushions were at my doorstep when I got home today, They are so beautiful - you and the gang at Kozy Kingdom do such beautiful work!! 11 years since I bought my Island Paradise set and now new cushions... I have the most beautiful sunroom in Middletown:) Thanks so much!! Sharon

  • en

    Larry Delaney


    Fabulous service! Instructions on how to measure were perfect. Frank was wonderful taking the order and ensuring measurements were correct. Custom cushions arrived in less than two weeks! We couldn't be happier. Thank you for a job very well done!

  • en

    Tim Frawley


    Hi Frank, Mary and I just set out our new cushions, they look terrific!!! The fit is perfect and the color and quality is impressive. We couldn't be any more pleased with you, your company and the polite, friendly, helpful service we received. We thank you for making what we thought would be a difficult process of measuring and fitting into a real easy affair. Congrats on a job well done! Best Wishes, Mary & Tim Frawley Wantagh NY 11793

  • en

    Steve Rotz


    I ordered from Frank some South Sea Rattan. His prices were good and he responded quickly to my phone calls and emails. I was a little nervous doing business this way since he was in NY and I in NC but everything worked out great The furniture arrived early and was extremely well packed and wrapped. and I sent him the following email--"Thank You very much for your help and assistance and it was a pleasure doing business with you. I may not have any furniture needs in the (near) future but will make sure if anyone I know has a need, I will recommend that they will contact you. Thank you again from a very satisfied customer."

  • en

    Penny Parker


    Our new cushions are beautiful and the whole room is brighter. We highly recommend Kozy Kingdom, and have already shared the website with our friends. Frank and Audrey were professional and so patient as we tried to choose the pattern we wanted, and Frank even called us to walk us through the measurement process. Great customer service and a great finished product make for a great experience. Thank you!

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