Koss Quick Wash w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneKoss Quick Wash



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
951, East 233rd Street, 10466, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 347-920-3030
strona internetowej: www.kossquickwash.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8913168, Longitude: -73.8498975

komentarze 5

  • Qsteel Blake

    Qsteel Blake


    I do my laundry all the time..it's large, clean and most importantly 24hrs. They have free WiFi, but you have to ask them for the password. The downside is their drop off services, they don't have a good system of doing things. I had surgery and dropped off laundry and was told it would be done 2 days later(I thought that was long, but didn't say anything)..I come back at the right time only to find my laundry in the same place, it was never touched. They continue taking clothes knowing they will not be able to get to them. That is pretty unprofessional. That is the only thing they need to work on in my opinion.

  • Fernande Laura Dauphin

    Fernande Laura Dauphin


    It's a very clean and convenient for me to do my laundry on a time that is best for me.

  • Seham kal

    Seham kal


    This place is amazing it's so nice and clean. I love going there bathroom is so clean, so roomy there and comfortable,parking lot is nice, I go in and out fast, there drop off service also is very good, they are opening 5 more places and the Bronx I love it.

  • en

    Roxi Morrisette


    This Laundry is very nice. Its clean. The bathroom is spotless. Instead of a card you get coins which I like better. The people who work there are very nice too. The parking lot could be a little bigger. I personally told the owner I have bad asthma and when he smokes by the door I can't come in to do my laundry, and have to go somewhere else. I told him I would rather come to his laundry because its small, clean and the employees are nice. He said he was sorry and will go around the side of the building to smoke. I Thanked him, and washed my clothes.

  • Toni Burrell

    Toni Burrell


    Love this laundromat. It's always clean and the people who work there are always friendly. I try to go during off times when it's not busy. You can usually find parking but there is street parking.

najbliższy Pralnia

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