Korea King w Omaha

Stany ZjednoczoneKorea King



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4719, South 96th Street, 68127, Omaha, Douglas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 402-593-6568
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.211481, Longitude: -96.060845

komentarze 5

  • Timothy Mok

    Timothy Mok


    Very good Korean food that is very much like home cooked. The Galbi was cooked to perfection. Would definitely recommend.

  • en

    Robert Faber


    all food is good. The 8 sides that come with all Korean food is self made. if they had the seaweed side and self cooking grill. I say 4 and 1/2 stars. food authentic

  • Fallen Angel

    Fallen Angel


    Love the food there. Generous portions for meals. Great price too! Cheaper than other restaurants and quality food = perfect for me. It's a nice, quiet, and cozy place. When I have extra money, I choose Korea King first!

  • Tristan Curd

    Tristan Curd


    The food was amazing, but the waitress was absolutely horrible. For the first half of our lunch we were the only ones in the restaurant. The waitress was extremely rude and ignored us when we asked about a side for our meal, instead giving us one we had no say in and refusing to change it for us. She became nicer when more people came in, but still wasn't polite when it came to refills and when she brought our food out. After we paid, she counted the money in front of us and demanded a tip. We walked out afterward and heard her go to our table and (Î believe) curse at us.

  • en

    Matt Cavin


    This place is absolutely awesome! Excellent food that is well presented with a friendly wait staff. I truly did not expect to be so impressed but was very pleasantly surprised. I will definitely be back!!

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