Kombert Caterers Inc in Oceanside

Vereinigte StaatenKombert Caterers Inc


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3050, Oceanside Road, 11572, Oceanside, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 516-678-6161
webseite: www.kombertcaterers.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.6379961, Longitude: -73.6357104

kommentare 5

  • Beast Coast

    Beast Coast


  • en

    June Feigelman


    This is the best place to have a Bar Mitzvah or wedding by far! The staff is excellent. Their food is amazing and they pay so much attention to Detail that they think of things that no other caterer even thinks about! Our son is getting married here in 2 weeks and we can not believe how wonderful Kenny has been to work with! We have been to at least a dozen affairs here and they always do a wonderful job!

  • Greg



    Kenny and Kombert Caterers did my wedding last year and blew it out of the water. Every time someone talks about the wedding the first thing they mention was how amazing the food was. The attention to detail and overall creativity was noticed by all. Shout out to Mary who kept it all together.

  • juan clc

    juan clc


  • Abby R.

    Abby R.


    I’ve been a guest and also I have worked here in the past. Kenny, the owner, is an amazing boss and person. He cares deeply about his clients and staff. Wonderful place to work for and a great experience a for special events. Very clean and professional establishment.

nächste Essen

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