Kokopelli Sweets w Dallas

Stany ZjednoczoneKokopelli Sweets



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1718, North Market Street, 75202, Dallas, Dallas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 469-318-2229
strona internetowej: www.kokopellisweets.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7822384, Longitude: -96.80677

komentarze 5

  • Andrew Hill

    Andrew Hill


    I recently visited Kokopelli Sweets in Dallas, and I have to say, this place is a sweets lover's paradise. I enjoyed my experience so much that I went back for a second visit, and I would go back for a third time if possible. The staff was incredibly friendly and helpful, offering suggestions that made my visit even more enjoyable. The store itself is a candy wonderland, with a great selection of bulk candy, handmade truffles, and a variety of different chocolates. But that's not all - they also have homemade brownies, cakes, and cookies, as well as ice cream. I tried some of the chocolates, which were absolutely divine, and I also indulged in a slice of their delicious strawberry cake, which I enjoyed on their small patio. Overall, I had a perfect snack and a wonderful experience at this cute bakery. I highly recommend Kokopelli Sweets to anyone looking for a sweet treat in Dallas.

  • Queen



    I ordered the powdered sugar brownie, red velvet cake, some chocolate bites, ice cream and the carrot cake. EVERYTHING was delicious. You can't go wrong with anything in here! Oh and customer service was top notch.

  • Eyes Living

    Eyes Living


    This place is soooo cute it has many impulse buys so be careful! It has bulk candy and a aray of chocolate of which you can grab yourself! Amazing cake flavors, Gelato, coffee, Popsicles, and some interesting alcohol bottles! It's got inside and outside tables and seats as well it's the best little café I've been to so far you should definitely try it out!

  • Alonna :D

    Alonna :D


    Delicious gelato, coffee, and cakes! It's my first time in Texas, and this is a nice local store. Huge variety of options and super friendly service!!!! They have tons of cakes, brownies, candy, gelato, wines, teas, assorted chocolate treats, and assorted desserts! Highly recommended for all of the above and the quiet and friendly atmosphere. I will be recommending this place to everyone!!!! :D

  • Lawrencia L

    Lawrencia L


    This place is super cute and has a ton of options. I also like that they had an outdoor seating. The options ranged from candy, to brownies and of course ice cream. The line moves really quickly as well. Everything here looked delicious and the presentation was really nice. Yummy delicious treats! I will be back.

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