Кладбище Локуст Вэлли w Locust Valley

Stany ZjednoczoneКладбище Локуст Вэлли



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117, Ryefield Road, 11560, Locust Valley, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-676-5290
strona internetowej: www.lvcemetery.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8827045, Longitude: -73.5883844

komentarze 5

  • en

    Dodge-Thomas Funeral Home


    As Funeral Directors, we frequent many cemeteries in the area. There is one cemetery that always stands above the rest, Locust Valley Cemetery. Simply in a class of its own, Locust Valley Cemetery feels more like a park than a cemetery. I know in confidence whenever a family selects Locust Valley Cemetery, they have selected the finest of final resting places.

  • en

    Blake Sand


    I am a NY state licensed funeral director and have been to cemeteries all over the country. Locust Valley Cemetery is by far the most beautiful cemetery I have ever visited. It is a serene and peaceful, and immaculately maintained. The grounds, flowers, and plantings give it a park-like feel. It is truly a special place for a loved one's final resting place.

  • en

    Joe Xuereb


    My wife's father and grandmother are buried at the memorial garden for cremains. It is a beautiful and peaceful place.

  • en

    Diane Fagiola


    The LV Cemetery team is very accommodating and helped my parents upgrade from a plot they originally bought to a site years later that they preferred. Strolling the beautiful Cemetery grounds and seeing headstones of former teachers, old friends, family members and community leaders brings back warm memories and fills the imagination with the rich history of Long Island's north shore.

  • en

    Henry Davison


    My family has had a plot at the Locust Valley Cemetery for almost 100 years. It remains a well maintained and quiet place to visit and honor loved ones. There are few cemeteries in this country like it.

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