Kitchenall Restaurant Equipment & Supply i New York

Forenede StaterKitchenall Restaurant Equipment & Supply



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29, Ash Street, 11222, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 917-525-2066
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Latitude: 40.738537, Longitude: -73.953732

kommentar 5

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    muffet nellon


    I made my first purchase of an LJ-30 30lb grease trap. Customer service contacted me shortly after to verify the purchase and my desired delivery location. The delivery arrived 3 days later. They gave me an hour notice prior, to arriving, and everything went smoothly. I will update upon installation of the trap.

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    I have several restaurants across NYC (4 in manhattan, 3 in Astoria). I had bought several small purchases from this place over 2 years and had a good experience overall. I then made a significant purchase from Kitchenall for a new restaurant in Queens (most of the kitchen and bar equipment) and I'm not normally one to leave reviews, but had a much better experience than I've had in the past with the 'old school' Bowery dealers who quite frankly don't care if you're satisfied. Kitchenall wasn't perfect across 75+ items but they basically made every effort to fix a couple of issues and I was very satisfied. Spending significant capital on large orders is risky (as the restaurant business is not a perfect science) so you need someone who's dependable and trustworthy. I'm an experienced buyer and I'll use them again.

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    Benjamin Marzo


    I would highly recommend them. their prices and service are incredible, and their disposition to solve address problems and customer concerns is unparalleled to any other distributor or wholesale merchant I have delt with. I will go to them for my restaurant equipment needs before I look anywhere else.

  • Marisa Joy Davis

    Marisa Joy Davis


    All of my bar sinks and equipment are from Kitchen All. The prices are competitive, they have a huge inventory, and all my equipment has been working great since install. Owner Steve knows how to maintain relationships, and made sure I got what I needed. Great source for owners

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    Doug Cleary


    I wish I would have read these reviews before placing my order. As Kitchenall is simply a website that processes orders and ships direct from manufacturers, there are only two types of reviews they receive. The "my order was fulfilled perfectly" and the "my order had issues" What you should look at before ordering from them is the pattern of unsatisfied customers when an there is a problem with an order. I ordered a cooler from Kitchenall which was delivered to my loading dock. The cooler had to have the casters removed as it is a tall unit and our doors could not accommodate it with casters. It took three of my facilities team 3 hours to install the unit. This was expected and I was OK with the expense. When we went to connect the unit we discovered that they had sent the wrong model. I had ordered, and paid for the right unit, but the wrong one was shipped. I called Kitchenall and tried to work out retro-fitting the unit to suit my needs, but after a week of emails, and phone calls (all of which I initiated) It was decided that the unit would need to be sent back. I had requested that they discount the price of the cooler to reimburse me for the cost of installing the unit and was led to believe they would. The old unit was picked up and after 2 emails and 2 phone calls I was finally refunded my money a week later. Thank God I paid by credit card or I might still be waiting. I asked for a quote on the correct unit and even spoke with the owner about paying by check so they would not have to pay the credit card fees and could use that $$ to compensate me for the install. I was told they could not reimburse the amount I needed and at that point I was so fed up, I decided to take my business elsewhere. The owner, Steve, is not customer service focused and I felt through the entire process that I was bothering him each time we spoke. His attitude was that since the manufacturer shipped me the wrong item, it was not his problem and seemed put-out when we spoke. If you order from Kitchenall I hope your order is correct!

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